Saturday, January 16, 2010

First team meeting in Denmark

Hej, Hello, Labas

This is our first GSE Pennsylvania 2010 all team meeting in Stevninghus, Denmark and first picture of all team members together.

During our three day weekend, on January 15th-17th, we had to do lots of things: at first to get acquainted with each other, to find out how we are planing to represent our countries, district 1460 and Rotary International. After that to make lots of discussions and decisions about preparations for our visit to Pennsylvania.
We really had good time all together while working and discussing in the morning and day time:

having various outdoor activities, playing the most popular Southern Denmark game called "ringridning", mostly it is played in summer and looks like this (in this photo is our team member Hanna:):
but our meeting was in winter with lots of snow so we played modified "ringridning":

indoor activities with different type of cheerful games for example chocolate eating with a fork and knife, dressed in gloves, scarf and hat :)
and national danish food cooking, for example very tasty new year dish "kålpølser, hamburgryg, brune kartofler og grøntlangkål":

We have done a lot but also there are left some preparation works so looking forward to meet all of us once again on March but this time in Lithuania.

P.S. All of the team says big thanks to team leader Peter and his wife Karin for nice entertainment and accommodation in Stevninghus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello. My name is Warren Risk. I am the GSE Team Leader for the Team from the USA who will be visiting Denmark and Lithuania from April 11 to May 16.
You have created a very nice BlogSpot for your trip. Well done!!
I probably won't be able to follow your blog much as I will be traveling in your countries at the same time you are in the USA. My team is excited to visit your countries and learn your cultures.
I hope you will enjoy your trip to our country. The people here are very anxious to meet you. Travel safely.

Warren Risk

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