Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, 04/20/2010

In the morning me, Peter and our hosts Beverly Martel and Nigel Foundling had breakfast at Northern Lebanon Rotary Club meeting and were communicating with Rotarians: and had lisened to Jim Hess presentation called "El Salvador Water Project":
Then we went to Penn State University:
and had a few meetings. At first all our group communicated with Dr. Makund Kulkarni. After that we were devided into groups related to our professions, for example, me and Dalia had a nice debate with Asst. Professor of Marketing - Dr. Zina Taran and Asst. Prof. Community Systems - Dr. Clem Gilpin:
Later we devided into two groups, first group - danish part of the team - had nice discussion about Penn State/Denmark Linkages:
second group - lithuanian part of the team - were lisening and debating about Penn State International Initiatives:We had lunch in Penn State University and were talking with local students who are studing here from all over the world:
Also today we had visited Dauphin County Commissioners:
National Civil War Museum:
Had dinner in Harrisburg Keystone Rotary Club meeting and nice small tour around Appalachian Brewery:

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